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Skinner Psychological Services, PLLC
Skinner Psychological Services, PLLC offers a comprehensive range of services for caregivers, multidisciplinary professionals, and individuals across the lifespan.

Individualized Treatment Planning
Diagnostic Psychoeducation
Educational Planning and Advocacy
Comprehensive Evaluation

Complex Differential Diagnosis
Service Eligibility Assessment
Psychoeducational Batteries
Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE)
Professional Supervision

Clinical, Counseling, and School Psychology
Social Work and Mental Health Counseling
(Re)Specialization and/or Case-Specific
Multidisciplinary Case Conferences
Speaking and Workshops

Community Outreach
Training for Educators and Clinicians
SEPTA and Grassroots Organizations
Local and National Professional Conferences
Evidence-Based Psychotherapy

Individual Therapy
Parent Training
Couples and Family Therapy
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